Skip the 6-month Nix & NixOS Ramp-Up

Our Nix and NixOS training saves valuable time and money by accelerating your team's ramp-up, reducing frustration with the complexity of Nix, and avoiding costly beginner's mistakes.

200+ developers have achieved productivity in a few weeks instead of many months - with Nixcademy.

6 months ramp-up time in 1 week!

Feel productive, not frustrated!

Avoid beginner's mistakes from the start!

Turn your staff into competent, unstoppable Nix users

📞 Let's talk Training!

Looking for Nix(OS) Training?

For Individuals

Struggling to learn Nix(OS) on your own? Join our interactive online classes, held in real-time with participants from your time zone. Learn collaboratively and get the guidance you need to master Nix(OS).

Browse Our Online Courses

For Teams

Is your team exploring Nix or NixOS for upcoming projects, or needing to accelerate their skills? We offer customized training tailored to your team's specific tech stack and project needs.

Contact Us for Custom Training

Selected Customers

Animated Nix Snowflake for DecorationAnimated Nix Snowflake for DecorationAnimated Nix Snowflake for DecorationAnimated Nix Snowflake for Decoration

Why Nixcademy?

Save 30,000$ per Developer

  • Ramp-Up Time: According to research, developers typically take between 3 to 9 months to fully ramp up, during which their productivity is limited. Shortening this time can save significant salary costs. For example, cutting the ramp-up time in half could save about $25,000 per developer. [1] [2]

  • Turnover Costs: Replacing a developer can cost 100% to 150% of their annual salary due to recruitment, onboarding, and lost productivity. For a developer earning $100,000, this could mean $100,000 to $150,000 in turnover-related expenses. [3] [4]

  • Mistakes and Productivity Loss: Untrained developers are more prone to errors, and fixing bugs later can be costly. For instance, software errors can cost companies tens of thousands of dollars annually due to lost time and productivity. [5] [6]

➡️ Conservatively estimated, that's more than $30,000 per developer!
Nixcademy classes have direct and measurable outcome

Great Success Rate

  • Personalized Support: The complex topic of Nix is introduced with high quality course materials that pick up participants with different backgrounds. Each participant receives individual attention.

  • Proven Effectiveness: Our high success rate is underpinned by the positive results from the post-class surveys and repeat surveys after 6 months.

➡️ Class Goals
The Nixcademy after-class surveys prove the success rate

Efficient Learning Process

  • Compact Knowledge Transfer: Complex topics are covered in an intensive, yet effective learning week.

  • Pedagogically Optimized Sequence: The course content unfolds the topics step by step, alternating between theory and motivating practical excercises.

  • Anti-Patterns Upfront: We already know what anti-patterns Nix-beginners will come up with and help you avoid these from day one.

Nixcademy detangles the difficult parts of the learning experience for you

Comfortable Learning Experience

  • Professional Guidance: Our trainers guide you step by step, addressing all questions and ensuring a smooth learning experience.

  • Goal-Oriented Training: Despite the high volume of learning, the training is designed to be manageable and accessible for participants.

➡️ Meet the Trainers 👋
The friendly learning atmosphere helps all participants with different backgrounds alike

Order a Nix/NixOS Training for Your Team Today

Let's have a quick chat about the right plan for your needs and pricing.

📞 Schedule a Free Call


Portrait of Phillip Bosco
Phillip Bosco
CEO of Security Illusion, LLC

The Nix & NixOS 101 class was exactly what I needed. As someone with a strong background in cybersecurity and software engineering, I appreciated how the course cut through the fragmented online resources and provided clear, practical guidance. It’s been a fantastic introduction to Nix, and I’m excited to continue learning.

Portrait of Chris O'Brien
Chris O'Brien
Software Developer at Versatus

Nixcademy has been a game-changer for me. Working with my mentor has been incredibly rewarding. Each session, I bring my Nix and NixOS ideas, and together, we make them work. The personalized guidance and in-depth education have boosted my skills tremendously. I highly recommend Nixcademy for anyone serious about mastering Nix.

Portrait of Matthias
Machine Learning Engineer at Fraunhofer IDMT

The Nix(OS) workshop was a valuable experience that has opened up many new possibilities for us in recent weeks. It was particularly impressive how easy it is to create reproducible environments for training neural networks with Nix. Thanks to the knowledge we learned, we have already been able to successfully create some packages and contribute to nixpkgs.

Portrait of Philipp Hauck
Philipp Hauck
Software Developer at ESG

Thank you very much for the good training, which has helped us a lot to use Nix independently in our projects! It is very well structured and very easy to understand if you have already been around the programming world for a while. The instructor communicated very well and hit the right rhythm to make it easy to listen and follow.

Portrait of Jürgen Lorff
Jürgen Lorff
Software Developer at ESG

I am delighted with the course and the content! The tutor is competent and presents the course content in an understandable way and responds to spontaneous questions in detail. The many practical examples have opened up new ideas and horizons for me, which help me to do my work more efficiently in my day-to-day work. The training week was full of aha-effects, and enlightened my Nix world view on a broad basis

Portrait of Marc W
Marc W
Software Developer at Kodira

As an app developer at Kodira, I recently had the opportunity to participate in nixcademy's Nix & NixOS training, and it was truly transformative for our team. Our customer required us to work with this intricate technology for a project and nixcademy's training provided us with the necessary expertise. The trainer's knowledge and ability to simplify complex concepts made the learning experience seamless. I thoroughly recommend nixcademy's trainings to my colleagues, as the week-long training, although challenging, has had a strong enabling effect on our daily work results. Thank you, nixcademy, for empowering us to conquer the complexities of Nix & NixOS.

Portrait of David
CTO Office at secunet Security Networks AG

Choosing nixcademy for our NixOS trainings has been an invaluable building block in our Shift-Left Strategy at secunet. The trainings provided by nixcademy have not only enabled us to deliver more value to our customers at a faster pace but have also proven to be a cost-effective way to train our staff. The feedback we received from the clear majority of participants was overwhelmingly positive, further reinforcing our decision to partner with nixcademy. The customized training tailored to our specific needs has truly been exceptional. Without a doubt, I would happily purchase Nixcademy trainings again. Thank you for helping us empower our team and elevate our cyber security capabilities.

Portrait of Boris Bierwald
Boris Bierwald
Lead Expert System Engineer at secunet Security Networks AG

Having recently embarked on building our products with Nix & NixOS, the training provided by nixcademy has been a game-changer for our team. The steep learning curve was made manageable through the comprehensive and well-structured training program. The trainer's deep expertise and ability to simplify complex concepts made the learning process enjoyable and effective. The customized approach to our specific needs was highly appreciated, and although the training week was undeniably demanding, witnessing the empowering impact it had on our team makes it all the more rewarding. I wholeheartedly recommend nixcademy trainings to my colleagues in the industry.

Portrait of René Renger
René Renger
CEO of Novus GmbH

Jacek's invaluable support and expertise were instrumental in enabling my team to develop customized systems for sensor data collection and post-processing of measurements. His adept use of Nix for ensuring maintainability and quick deployments has been nothing short of remarkable. I may not fully comprehend the technical details, but my employees have consistently praised his exceptional teaching style and ability to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Portrait of Matthias Raaz
Matthias Raaz
CEO of Deep5 GmbH

Jacek's technical expertise and dynamic teaching style have been a game-changer for my team as we navigate the fast-paced world of AI and mobile app development. As a service provider, we frequently need to create rapid proof of concepts with multiple moving parts that must be transformed into marketable products with lightning speed. Jacek's exceptional support has been an incredible asset, and I cannot imagine going back to our previous ways of working without him.

Order a Nix/NixOS Training for Your Team Today

Let's have a quick chat about the right plan for your needs and pricing.

📞 Schedule a Free Call

Class Goals

Learn Nix

  • Define declarative dev environments
  • Create reproducible, cacheable packages
  • Manage, patch, pin dependencies
  • Cross-compile projects
  • Extend nixpkgs with complex overlays
  • Create your own corporate package set

Learn NixOS

  • Maintain NixOS setups on servers, cloud, laptops
  • Define containers, VMs, custom installers
  • Update and evolve systems without risk
  • Create your own configurable NixOS modules
  • Define powerful declarative integration tests
  • Create your own corporate Linux distro

Class Content

Using Nix

  • Installing Nix
  • Ad-Hoc Nix Shells
  • Package Management
  • Garbage Collection ♻️

Nix Language Basics

  • Nix Language ㊙️
  • Importing Nixpkgs
  • Derivations

Input Determinism

  • Importing from Nix PATH
  • Pinning Inputs 📌
  • Tooling for Pinning 🧰

Stdenv Basics

  • mkDerivation
  • Fetching Code 🧲
  • Trivial Builders 🏗️
  • Language-Specific Builders

Basic Nix Patterns

  • Project Structure
  • callPackage 📞
  • Anti-Patterns

Advanced Stdenv

  • Source Filtering
  • Cross Compilation
  • Patching Code

Package Overrides

  • Overlays
  • Overlay Composition
  • Anti-Patterns

Flakes ❄️

  • Why Flakes
  • Enabling Flakes
  • Flake Structure


  • Installing NixOS
  • NixOS Modules
  • Config Examples
  • Patterns
  • Integration Tests

What Did Customers Say?

When asked anonymously "What did you like best?" after the training

Anonymous Participant

  • Content was extremely applicable and ordering of content was on-point
  • Engaging
  • I was honestly very impressed by the teacher's technical acumen

- Anon Survey Comment
United States of America
Anonymous Participant

I really liked the learning it the hard way approach of having simple problems to solve without having every single bit of information needed to solve them at the time -- forcing you to actually think about the problem and how to obtain the needed docs. The moments of realization this approach trigger are truly helpful to learning -- and the solutions provide a nice long-term reference to go back to when needed.

- Anon Survey Comment
Munich, Germany
Anonymous Participant

Every aspect of the Nix training was directly embedded into a practical exercise. The trainer completely knows what he is talking about. There are no stupid questions, everybody was able to get along with their own pace, but at the end, everybody was at the same knowledge level.

- Anon Survey Comment
Berlin, Germany
Anonymous Participant

Style: The mix of Hands on, theoretical foundations and background stuff combined with just playing around and testing out things.

- Anon Survey Comment
Berlin, Germany
Anonymous Participant

I've had poor experiences with training weeks in the past where the content ended up not being engaging or applicable, so I came into this thinking I would feel the same way. However, I was presently surprised very quickly on day 1. I could tell we were going to learn a ton and that we did! I left the week wishing we had more time. It was fun. Lots of practical examples.

- Anon Survey Comment
United States of America
Anonymous Participant

Just a ton of information to take in a short period of time. It felt like a semester of school in one week.

- Anon Survey Comment
United States of America
Anonymous Participant

  • Good mix of theory and exercises.
  • Very competent trainer.
  • Order of topics was good (topics built on each other). Clear structure.
  • NixOS Training came at the right time (interesting field and knowledge is needed in this field).

- Anon Survey Comment
Munich, Germany
Anonymous Participant

I finally feel like I understand nix from base principles.

- Anon Survey Comment
United States of America
Anonymous Participant

  • Many real life examples
  • Knowledge of the trainer
  • Good/open environment in terms of possibility to ask questions
  • Mixture of theory and practise

- Anon Survey Comment
Berlin, Germany
Anonymous Participant

The presenter was clearly experienced and enthusiastic on the topic. We managed to address a wide scope of different topics. The prepared exercise material was helpful to quickly focus the important aspects of an exercise. The journey through the field was well structured, logical and put clear focus.

- Anon Survey Comment
Berlin, Germany
Anonymous Participant

I liked the mix of theory and practice. Also, the pace was perfect for me. I struggled a little, but that's fine, because that implies, that learning happens.

- Anon Survey Comment
Munich, Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course for beginners or advanced users?

No matter if you need a crash course or training on specific advanced topics: We can provide you a customized Nix training that exactly fits your team's needs.

Where will the training take place?

You get the best training experience and connection between teacher and participants when we provide the class on-site in your office. We can also organize the training in an online meeting solution of your choice.

Is this corporate-only training?

No. We also provide trainings for private and corporate individuals in our mixed online classes! Please visit for more information. If you are a hackerspace, school, or university, please reach out to sales for a special discount.

Didn't find your answer in the FAQ? Contact us! 📲